Welcome to the blog!

Hi all! Please feel free to share your comments, thoughts and testimonies! :)

Race Day 1: Start your engines

Camp committee @ registration counter. All systems go!

Race Day 2: Pushing ourselves to the limit

Check Cynthia out! Trying to pass along that GROSS little green slimy creature to Adrian Lim (sorry God, I know they're one of Your creations...but they just freak me out!!! I was traumatised as I kid!!).

Adrian Chew & team discussing how to build their tent.

Ms Kim Lian (future VJ or TV presenter - currently the official camp photographer) & I :)

Calvin thoroughly enjoying his new vocation as a tentmaker!

June caught blue handed...(sorry lame joke...couldn't help myself :P)

Darren trying to find shelter from the storm...but not very successful...hehe...

That was the nite that Kim had that little mishap on the dining table...kekeke...

FOJians looking awesome in those spiffy F1 shirts!

FOJ ladies posing for the camera ;)

And not forgetting.....the FOJ men...ooo..... :)

Race Day 3: The final lap

After the Holy Communion, Ps Sivin & Ps Lee Choo prayed for all the campers. Here's Kim & June...

Adrian Lim & Zach...

Ps Lee Choo praying for Sue...

Thoughts from camp

It's the Wednesday after camp weekend & finally have some time to sit down, reflect & jot down my thoughts from camp (the power in my office building was turned off for some maintenance thingy, so yeah, I got to go home!!).

The YA camp journey began earlier for me as I was given the opportunity to be part of the camp committee. Being in the committee was truly a blessing. It was great to work with & get to know other young adults in church (thanks guys for truly enjoyable experience!). However, it also meant running about including during the camp itself. Missed bits & pieces of the teaching especially the first night sharing by Ps Sivin. But nevertheless, God is God & He is no man's debtor :) On the final day as I stood & watched Ps Sivin & Ps Lee Choo pray for each camper, Chee Loy said something to me about how all the effort put into organising the camp was worth it. I could not agree more. I was truly amazed by God's presence throughout the camp & how He was speaking into the lives of each young adult. Amazing. Just amazing. Even from a logistical point of view, the committee only faced minimal glitches throughout the whole camp & we were really thankful for that!

Not only was I blessed by the teaching & sharing by Ps Sivin & Annette, but also by the people around me. Had a great time & fellowship with my cell members as well as my connection group!

Thank you Jesus for this wonderful journey. It was all WORTH IT.

More pics...

Small group I...wheeee...

Look ma! I can carry the pail with one hand!

Darren: Man this is harder than it looks!

Most colourful tent!

Cynthia: I'm so happy with my tent!

Kim @ work!

Darren (partially hidden) & Su Ann trying to get their tent together

Watcha lookin at? U like my tent?

Ivy: I'm so happy carrying my pails & box!


Chee Loy & Shyan going through the final details

The men running the show: Shyan, George & Chee Loy

Shyan: Check out my cool scisscors!

Checking in...

Ivy, George & Eileen...

@ the registration desk

One happy family...

Audrey, Eunice, me, Caryl, Jek, Yung Juen, John & our fearless leader Julia!